
IT Asset Disposition


B2B Electronic Recycling

Schedule Appointment

 Data  Destruction

Guaranteed Destruction

 Collection Partner Program


Why use Our Service?

We offer Reliable, Responsible, Certified 
Electronics Recycling & data destruction services*

We are a dedicated Eco-conscious recycling team working to eliminate electronics from entering
our Oceans, Landfills and Atmosphere. With over 10 years of experience in handling E-waste, we use 
our expertise to ensure sustainable recycling practices while properly disposing of and preventing 
any toxic materials from entering into the environment. 

Data Security is is our top priority. Lots of personal information finds its way onto our phones, tablets, 
laptops and even our watches! At GR Recycling we understand that your peace of mind is just as important
 as a good night's sleep, and you can sleep soundly knowing that your data will be securely destroyed 
before any device ever leaves our facility.

We take proper recycling very seriously and aim to make a difference one piece of electronics at a time!

*Data destruction services vary in price and purpose. Please see Data Destruction for more
details about pricing and service information.

What happens to your Electronics when you Recycle them?

Green Recovery Recycling aim's to Refurbish any and all electronics that come into our Facility. A large
portion of all electronic components can be recycled and/or re-purposed, keeping them in use when
possible. If the components cannot be re-purposed, they will be broken down into Raw Material. By using
one of our trusted Registered Electronics Processors with a  (R2) certification, the 
salvageable E-waste will be broken down into its core commodities (plastic, metals, glass) which will 
then be sent off to be reused by manufacturers.

Do you Ship Electronic waste over seas?

We will NEVER ship electronics overseas for destruction. All electronics we collect will be re-purposed
and anything we cannot use will be passed along to one of our local trusted R2 vendors for further
refining and recycling.

About US

Electronic Recycling Programs


Whether you need help removing piling up electronics or you need your entire facility's outdated
hardware removed, you can count on us to get the job done right.  
We also guarantee that all of your sensitive data will
be securely and properly destroyed. Schedule a pickup today!

Recycling Programs

We offer an Electronics Recycling program for organizations and businesses that would like to help their customers conveniently dispose of E-waste. This allows you to help keep our communities and
environment clean and clear of any E-waste and we will even compensate you for your assistance in helping us achieve our goal. Sign up today!

We have over 10 years of experience in Electronic Recycling


Your privacy is our top priority!  We are Certified and Background Check all employees


We guarantee fast and convenient pick ups
Learn more

Secure Data Destruction For Businesses and Corporations


Contact us

Piling up old, Broken, or obsolete Electronics?  Contact us today to see if you qualify for a free pick up!
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